Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trying to Renew

It's been so long since I "blogged". I've never really been that good at keeping it up... but I'm thinking that if I can update my status on facebook as much as I do, then I can at least try and blog from time to time! (Let's work towards daily, shall we?)

Luke and I have been figuring out moving back to Kansas. The biggest unknown factor is jobs. We're not able to move without a job to move for, so things are sort of up in the air at this point. And I constantly find myself exhausted, between working 40+ hours a week, and going to school full time. I'm trying to stay positive, and so I've started googling motivational sayings every morning to revive me, and get me going on the work track.

My biggest challenge these days, is finding motivation to keep/maintain my drive in everything I do. I find I am no longer the energizer bunny in my ripe old age of 28. (Yikes!) And I rarely feel like I'm not fighting exhaustion. I'm thinking a few days is the much needed regimen for combatting this issue. Luckily, finals are next weekend, and I'll regain my evenings at the very least afterwards.

Not sure anyone actually reads this, but... If you do, I'd love your feedback. What do you think of these issues?
How do you deal with exhaustion?
How do you get yourself to work out, even when you feel too tired to workout?
When you lack motivation, how to do you restart it?


  1. First of all I think it would be awesome if you moved back to Kansas! I would love to see you!!! Anyway, as far as exhaustion, my only advice is to find a great multivitamin (the womens active from GNC is great) and just push on through. I just heard on the radio today that studies show that if you have too much or too little sleep in a day it can age your brain 7 plus years! So Id say make sure you are getting enough...but not too much sleep as well. As far as motivation....I have to be honest with you, some days I don't have any....lol, but if you just keep moving and force yourself to at least go to the gym or whatever....even if you don't work out really hard or run your fastest...at least you went and the routine is still fresh in your mind...and over time, you'll feel better :o) I recommend taking a yoga class of some kind...its a great way to relax and de-stress, which will help with your fatigue :o) I hope my ramblings helped a little!

  2. I am a someone who read this! : )

    While I miss Kansas, I love the career direction I have here in Arkansas. Saying a prayer and hoping the best for both you and Luke. : )
