Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dear God, It's Me Again Introduction

I'm not sure that many people will read or run across this blog, but hopefully if it does, it will reach and help someone. If not, hopefully it will help me!

It's 2010. January. The beginning of a new year. The beginning of a new decade. Hopefully the beginning of new era for me. Hopefully the beginning of a new, better me. This last year (the year will remain nameless to save its identity) was a particularly rough year. I was in the midst of a new career that was proving itself to be extra tough. Every day was a challenge. Every day was a rollercoaster of emotions and ups and downs, a true test of my character, and I can't help but think that I totally and completely failed. Things got better as I got closer to my best friend (as she became my "besty"), started, yet again, a new career (but this one is much better, and I'm not failing at it, as of yet!), and things seemed to start falling in place. Falling in place everywhere, that is, except my love life. That was the big rock that I stubbed my toe on and then fell over at the end of that year. But that was then, and this is now. I feel refreshed, and renewed to start taking back ME. And it will happen, because this time I'm going to do things right. I will listen more closely to God. Everytime things have worked out, or I've been able to pick myself up and dust myself off, have been because I was more intuned to God.

I think that writing this out, tracking my goals, and expressing my attempts to figure out what exactly I'm hearing from God, will help me. However, we all, as a human race, seem to go through similar endeavors and tribulations, and so hopefully my attempts to figure myself out will help anyone who happens to stumble upon this meager blog.